Check Out Our Newest Low Vision Course!
The new Eschenbach Academy is designed to provide you and your staff access to low vision education and training online and on-demand. In addition to our “Low Vision Basics” course, we also have an “Absorptive Filter Basics” course too. We’ve also updated our general business courses section with courses on “The Basics of Managing Stress” and “Social Media Marketing 101”. You can access this new platform by logging into the Eschenbach website and clicking on the Eschenbach Academy link at the top. Create a login and you can begin taking courses!

Here's what some are saying about Eschenbach Academy: “After exploring Eschenbach’s Academy platform to utilize for additional training of new staff members at my Low Vision Clinic, I was happily impressed with the available content.” - Desiree P., Low Vision Optician, Georgian College, ON 


Get a Smartlux® Digital Portable Video Magnifier for Free with our Vario Digital 22 FHD Advanced Special Offer!
The Vario Digital 22 FHD Advanced is a foldable and transportable desktop video magnifier with an easy-to-use interface, outstanding image quality and compact design. It features a 21.5” full HD monitor with optical/digital zoom,1.6x - 100x magnification and FHD camera that provides a true color image. It can be ordered with an integrated X/Y table that comes in place of the standard base plate or the Vario Digital can be ordered with an integrated rechargeable battery making it a more portable. When you purchase the Vario Digital 22 FHD Advanced with X/Y Table or Rechargeable Battery, or both, you’ll get a free Smartlux® Digital!

Our Smartlux® Digital is an ergonomically designed, portable video magnifier with a 5” reflection-free display and features a full HD camera, a fast 60 FPS screen refresh rate, personalized setting options and more! With an easy-to-use interface and new high-contrast design the Smartlux® Digital provides a customizable reading and writing solution for those who are visually impaired.

Check out what the American Foundation for the Blind said about the Smartlux® Digital: “Eschenbach’s new video magnifier, the Smartlux® Digital has features that may quickly convert you to a handheld video magnifier, and make you wonder how you ever got by with the other alternatives. The many settings to customize user preferences through the menu really enhance the ability to fine tune it for individual reading needs.”

Vario Digital 22 FHD with Battery and X/Y Table (1659-221)

Smartlux Digital® (1650-2A)


January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month!
Because there are no early symptoms, the only way for your patients to find out if they have glaucoma is to get a comprehensive dilated eye exam. There’s no cure for glaucoma, but early treatment can often stop the damage and protect vision. Visit the National Eye Institute website to learn more about how you can support National Glaucoma Awareness Month and spread the word about this disease to your patients.

For your patients who may already be diagnosed with glaucoma, remember that Eschenbach carries a number of low vision aids that can increase their independence, safety and quality of life. These include products like our Monocular Telescopes which can increase one’s field of view when used in reverse - ideal for those with a reduction in field as is the case with glaucoma. Ask your Territory Manager for other product suggestions!

1673 Keplerian Telescope


Check out our newest low vision products like the Smartlux® Digital and Vario Digital
video magnifiers, EasyPocket 6x hand-held magnifier and Elumentis LED Lamp at these upcoming exhibitions!


Assistive Technology Industry Association
January 25-27, 2024 - Orlando, FL

Vision Expo East
March 14-17, 2024 - New York, NY


Eschenbach provides live webinars every month. You can register for our upcoming webinars online, or, to be added directly to our webinar notification list, please email us at If you missed a webinar and would like to view it at a time more convenient for you, the past webinars can be viewed on our website. Simply log in with your user name and password, click on the Resource Center Tab, and go to the Past Webinars page!


Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 3pm Eastern, “How to Start Offering Basic Low Vision Services!”
Speaker: Thomas I. Porter, OD, MPH, MBA, Director of Low Vision Services, Saint Louis University, Department of Ophthalmology
Approved for 1 ACVREP CE Credit

Register Now!

Monday, January 29, 2024 at 3pm Eastern, “Spectacle Magnifiers: How they magnify objects!”
Speaker: Bob Scannell, Florida and Puerto Rico Territory Manager, Eschenbach Optik of America, Inc.
Approved for 1 ACVREP CE Credit

Register Now!

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