Introducing our New Acunis FL-41 Filters!

The Acunis FL-41 filters are designed to protect against unpleasant glare and help those with light sensitivity due to migraines, traumatic brain injury and other eye conditions. Acute light sensitivity is a common side effect of migraines and other eye diseases and can aggravate their symptoms. Conventional sunglass lenses attenuate all light wavelengths evenly, but the Acunis lenses reduce the transmission of select light wavelengths responsible for glare, thereby providing a more comfortable viewing experience.


There are 4 Acunis frames available, two stainless steel frames with top shields for extra glare protection and two acetate frames in fashionable styles. Each are available in three Acunis FL-41 lens tints - 25% light absorption, 50% light absorption or 75% light absorption, all of which feature optical quality lenses.


Special Offer: Order all 4 Acunis frames and you’ll get the 4th one FREE*! (*Free item applies to filter of lowest value. Limit 1 free filter per customer. Valid through 12/31/21.) Contact your Territory Manager for promotion pricing details and see all available options online HERE!


August is Declared Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month!

In August, as many children are headed back to school, one of the best ways to help students succeed in the classroom is to make sure they are seeing clearly. Prevent Blindness, the nation’s oldest eye health and safety nonprofit organization, has declared August as Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month to provide the public with helpful information to put kids on the path to a lifetime of healthy vision. The National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health at Prevent Blindness (NCCVEH) also provides a wide variety of free, informational resources about everything from baby’s developing sight, to school readiness, to recommended eye protection for sports and UV.


Eschenbach carries many products for you to offer to your younger patients with vision loss that can help them with their school work both in the classroom and at home. Our video magnifiers are one of many great options for students as they come in a variety of sizes and offer a full range of useful features that assist with reading and writing. View all of our video magnifier products (and other popular products for students like monoculars and bright field magnifiers) online or request an Electronic Vision Aids brochure from your Territory Manager!


Magno’s Placement!

After years of training and a successful graduation from the Fidelco Guide Dog training program, Magno is looking forward to being placed with a visually impaired client in need of his special services.


We’re excited for Magno to continue his journey, now as an official Guide Dog, and see how he will be able to meet the needs of a remarkable client. Stay up to date on his journey and watch his Graduation Video at


Announcing our new Northeast Territory Manager, Jim Leahy!
Eschenbach is pleased to announce Jim Leahy as our new Northeast Territory Manager who will be covering the states of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont. Jim came to Eschenbach with multiple years of account management and business development experience and will be a great resource to his customers.  Jim can provide the training, equipment and consultative support that will help enhance your low vision care service!


To schedule an appointment please email Jim at


Check out our newest low vision products like the Eschenbach Haus Call Telelowvision Program, AllClean UV-C® Disinfecting Cabinet and Vario Digital FHD Advanced at our upcoming trade shows!

Vision Expo West
September 22-25, 2021 – Las Vegas, NV


Eschenbach provides live webinars every month. You can register for our upcoming webinars online, or to be added directly to our webinar notification list please email us at If you missed a webinar and would like to view it at a more convenient time, you can view the past webinars on our website. Simply log in with your user name and password, click on the Resource Center Tab, and go to the Past Webinars Page!

Monday, August 23, 2021 at 3:00PM Eastern “Visual Acuity, Illumination and Contrast - How to enhance visual performance!”

Speaker: Jay Sanders, West Territory Manager, Eschenbach Optik of America, Inc.

Approved for 1 ACVREP Credit

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